
My Year 2023

My Year 2023 was the most chaotic, but growth inducing year i’ve had to date. In 2023 life became real for me.

For years, my passion has always been videography but I never knew how to turn it into a career. As a marketing major, most of my videography skills and knowledge was all self-taught. I graduated college, signed a lease in San Diego with no plan and charged in full-force.

Currently, I’m making my dreams come true by working as a videographer for a renowned marketing agency (Raindrop Agency) as well as working full-time as a freelance videographer for weddings, nightlife, real-estate, hospitality + tourism, and brands.

On top of all that - I completed many personal dreams of mine like obtaining my skydiving license, getting paid to travel and working on projects I only dreamt of.

My Year 2023 was one for the books, and although it was one of the most stressful and chaotic years, I don’t regret a second of it.


Memories from Switzerland